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Gibbs Smith

Sandstone Sunsets

Regular price $5.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.95 USD
Title: Sandstone Sunsets
Author: Taylor, Mark A
ISBN: 9780879058036
Publisher: Gibbs Smith
Published: 1997
Binding: Quality
Language: English
Condition: Used: Very Good
Clean, unmarked copy with some edge wear. Good binding. Dust jacket included if issued with one. We ship in recyclable American-made mailers. 100% money-back guarantee on all orders.

Travelogues 1327880

Publisher Description:

It is difficult to explain what gets under a persons skin and sets him or her off on the road to solve a puzzle or riddle that any reasonable person might - quickly conclude was unsolvable. The 1934 disappearance of poet and adventurer Everett Ruess in Utah's red rock country is the mystery that is under author Mark A. Taylor's skin, but his attempts to solve this mystery led him in an unexpected direction-within. In his southern Utah treks, Taylor encounters hikers, Native Americans, artists, Vietnam vets, and other colorful characters. Still, his most significant encounter is himself, and, though he may never discover the remains of Ruess, his self-discovery is the unexpected bonus. Shortly before vanishing, Everett Ruess wrote of his affinity with nature and his love of the desert, "This trip will be longer than I expected, for I will Le in many beautiful places, and do not wish to taste, hut to drink deep." These words become a metaphor lor the journey of sell-discovery experienced through Sandstone Sunsets.

Mark A Taylor is a novelist, investigative journalist, editor, essayist, and lecturer. He lives and works in the West, writing about the land and its people. Taylor has published in Esquire and Penthouse and has also published the novel Chaco: A Tale of Ancient Lives. He is he founder and publisher of the critically acclaimed art and literary journal Neologism.